Perfecting the craft of saving lives never ends

Are you leading by example or simply doing the minimum?
Code 3 Medical Services offers a full array of accredited fire fighter training that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the NFPA and IFSTA. At Code 3 Medical Services, we are comprised of active and retired first responders and understand that updated and realistic training is imperative to the success of response crews to operate at their full potential. Most training now days consists of clicking a mouse instead of updated and relevant hands on training to understand the true what, why’s and when of meeting the demands of today’s fire fighting profession. Theory does not always equate to success in the real world and the staff at Code 3 Medical Services understands the importance of reality based training backed by decades of first hand experience. How can we make your fire fighters better at saving lives? Contact us today to find out why fortune 500 companies, DoD, and municipalities rely on Code 3 Medical Services to train their first responders and emergency response teams.

Available courses:

• Emergency Vehicle Operation Course
• Search & Rescue
• Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC)
• Forcible Entry
• Incident Command System (ICS)
• Hazmat
• Urban Search & Rescue (USAR)
• Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Driver
• Pumping Hydraulics
• Vehicle Extrication
• Hose Lays & Deployment
• Ventilation Techniques
• Technical Rescue
• Swift Water & Water Rescue
• Plus other custom classes available upon request

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